The Parent Toolkit - Helping your child get to and through!
In SBISD we believe all children can achieve their highest potential. We know that success for students is not just about graduating from high school. True success is when students graduate prepared for a college or career path of their choosing. Parents and educators must work together to provide the best support and instruction they can for all students.This toolkit is intended to serve as a resource for our parents by providing an overview of what your child will study as they progress from Kindergarten to Grade 12. This toolkit does not replace course guides or other official planning document provided by the school district. Content found here is intended to server as a supplement or resource for parents.
Our goal is to assist you in helping your child build a strong foundation for success throughout their academic career. This toolkit is part of a large goal SBISD has for all our parents - to be engaged and an active participant in your child's education.
Remember, communication is key!
We encourage you to build a strong relationship with your child’s teacher. Talk to your child's teacher regularly about how your child is doing. You play an important role in setting high expectations and supporting your child. If your child needs a little extra help or wants to learn more about a subject, work with his or her teacher to identify opportunities for tutoring, to get involved in clubs or after school activities, or to find other resources.We're here to help you and your child every step of the way!